Peter Robinson – Defunct Mnemonics

I don’t know how many times I have peered over the staircase on my way up to {Suite} and thought that this was some off-limits-to-Amanda storage space where art gets put when there isn’t any putting space left in the other galleries. Hello Peter McLeavey Gallery!

Peter Robinson
Defunct Mnemonics (detail) 2012
Felt and wood, 125 objects

Peter Robinson’s current show here is Defunct Mnemonics (pick tricky words why don’tcha), the title is almost as incomprehensible as the Fustigation of the Hierophant thank you (other Peter) Pete Gorman. Although I haven’t seen anything like this from Peter Robinson before, it isn’t really departing from his previous work so much in that it isn’t recognisable as his.

These sticks of various shapes and sizes are made of felt cut and glued together over dowelling to make them stronger. They represent tokotoko (googling this took me to a super Mario definition which I read as Super Maorio…) which are carved walking sticks that are speaking sticks, held by whoever is speaking. I vaguely remember these from a visit to Mataura Marae, being held by the Kaumatua as they addressed our class of nervous hungry-for-hungi 8 year olds.

Peter Robinson
Defunct Mnemonics (detail) 2012
Felt and wood, 125 objects

The work is confronting, it fills the space. It lounges about in the door ways so that you hover apprehensively at the entrance; nudges your toes when you get drawn in to the textures to remind you that it was there first, and would you mind where you plant those dirty greying converse sneakers.

They look very soft and tactile, yet almost mechanical with ridges and cogs that suggest they all work together as one large machine. They are all one work, for sale as a family of 125 tokotoko of varying shapes and constructions. The close up image below gives the impression of a spine, interlocking perfectly, naturally, creamy white bleached and stripped bare of protective outer living layers.

Peter Robinson
Defunct Mnemonics (detail) 2012
Felt and wood, 125 objects

They were just screaming to be made in to a large pile of striped pick up sticks, but I thought that would probably be a silly idea to act on. Instead I just hopped around the room between them and craned my neck through the door, straddling one of the works to talk to the lovely lady minding the gallery which she informs me has been running for 46 years! It is such a lovely space, that whole building is just one big art within art, oh how lovely.

Peter Robinson
Defunct Mnemonics (detail) 2012
Felt and wood, 125 objects

Robinson’s work Gravitas Lite was shown at the 18th Biennale of Sydney, a polystyrene monolithic menagerie of light as air heaviness draped across beams like towering ice bergs.  Its smooth cut lines make it look sturdy but it is so fragile, imagine it in Wellington in 140km winds, imagine it on fire! Apparently that stuff burns well.

Peter Robinson
Gravitas Lite (detail)
Polystyrene, installation view
Photo from ArtAsiaPacific