Arie Hellendoorn- Lost in Space

Arie Hellendoorn

Layers on layers, fading out, collecting, swelling, but not quite droplets, I could have stared at these for hours. The textures he creates, movement, meiosis, topographical waves ebbing flowing enveloping stark white bleached bones on a shore line.

Arie Hellendoorn’s paintings are biological psychedelia, internal externalised

He uses the paint, actually uses it as paint and appreciates the medium for its unique characteristics. I haven’t been to a painting show in far too long and these works have really made me appreciate paint as a medium again.

{Suite} Gallery you’re awesome. Looking at the artist’s website (LOOK HERE) and starting from 2012, work backwards through his works. What a great insight in to the workings of an artists process. Performance, installation, object, and back to painting, I wonder what the next ten years will produce?

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